Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Will is a Tiger Cub:-)

Last night was recruitment night for cub scouts at Will's school. He has a couple of friends who are joining so we thought it would be fun for him. They had a presentation where we all watched a slideshow of pictures of the boys at various activities over the past year. He was really excited about the prospect of getting to go fishing and camping and participate in the pinewood derby. I think Brian was equally excited about the pinewood derby;). He keeps asking me when his next boyscout meeting is. I'm happy that he's so excited about something other than video gaming!

I am supposed to go over the local boyscout store to get his uniform, so I will put up pictures of him in it as soon as I can. Be prepared to get hit up for popcorn sales in the near future! he he he


Kari said...

Will *and* Brian, lol.