Friday, September 15, 2006

What's that SMELL?!

Six year olds can be quite entertaining. Will had this little gem for me today.

We were all piling into the van this morning trying to get Will off to school and I'm leaning over him helping him buckle his seatbelt over the booster seat. He says to me, "Mommy, what's that SMELL?" wrinkling up his nose. I tell him that I had to borrow daddy's deoderant this morning because I left mine at Grandma Zukie's last weekend. He then starts asking me all sorts of questions about deoderant. Why grownups have to use it, when he will have to use it, do all grownups use it (the answer to that one of course is "no, but they all SHOULD!" LOL). I tried changing the subject several times, but alas, we ended up discussing the merits and pitfalls of deoderant the entire way to school.

Fast forward to the afternoon. Will had a playdate scheduled with his friend Matthew. I picked Matt up from school along with Will and brought the boys back here to play. As we are all getting into the car, Will leans over and tells Matt, "If you smell something stinky, don't worry. That's just my mom's deoderant!".