Sunday, January 07, 2007

Sammy bones

Just a quick funny Sam story.

One of Sam's many silly nicknames is "bones". This stemmed from when he was a baby and we started calling him "ham" because on his first Christmas I said he was the size of a little Christmas ham. The name stuck and morphed into "hammy", "hammy bones", "sammy bones" and just plain "bones".

Sam is learning his body parts right now. We'll ask him to point to his nose or eye and he (usually) will do it. Well, for the past few days he has been pointing to his head and saying, "bowl" or something that sounded similar. Brian was joking, saying he was saying the Spanish word for hair, "pelo". Yesterday Brian said, "Bones" talking to Sammy, and he pointed to himself and said, "bones". Yes, we are saving for his future therapy sessions!