Saturday, April 08, 2006

Mama, am I an artist?

This afternoon during we were all just relaxing, having a quiet Saturday. I was crocheting in the livingroom with my mom, periodically stopping to get Sam down off the train table which he kept climbing up on (or sending uncle Kevin to his rescue!), Brian was on the computer with Ben, and Will was in his room, the entire carpet littered with art supplies.

After 15 minutes or so, he came out, masterpiece in hand. This was the first collage he made He had written, "bi Will, love mama." After quite a lot more fanfare in his bedroom, he came out with three others.

He said, "Mama these are for you because I love you for thousands and thousands of seconds. Not just one second. The love just keeps on going. I love you best in the world and you love me. Mama, am I an artist?". Of course I told him that he was a wonderful artist and that I loved him too. Does life get any better than this?! It's moments like these that make it all worth it.