Wednesday, April 12, 2006

The Importance of Being Benny

So last night at dinner we're all sitting around the table eating and talking about our day. I think I was complaining to Brian about the fact that Ben's preschool is going to charge us $100 for him to NOT attend in the summer to "hold our spot" when the fact of the matter is, attendance is so low in the summer that there is no way our spot would get filled anyway- grrr! Anyway, Ben keeps shouting, "GUYS! GUYS! Listen to ME" with a big scowl on his face. We made him wait his turn and when he finally got his chance, what does he have to say that is so important? "Mom. Dad. Devin and I are going to be FIVE on our next birthdays. We're BOTH going to be FIVE". Big dramatic pause. Big smile. "FIVE". Holds up five fingers. So funny how he takes everything he does and says so seriously at such a young age!