Wednesday, January 02, 2008

No Baby Sister

I was putting the kids to bed tonight and Will informed me that he wanted a baby sister. Some of you may remember that when I told him I was having a boy, when I was pregnant with Sam, he was furious with me that the baby was not a girl. Sam overheard what Will said and looked a little worried and said, "No baby". I said, "No we're not having anymore babies." He turned to Will and said, "No baby sister. Sorry!" This is the kid who we have trouble getting to string 3 words together and who is in speech therapy. It seems he becomes quite articulate when it comes to important matters, like talk of usurping his baby position in the family! Sam still insists that he is a baby, and when I turned away from him for a second to look at the other two, when I was singing his bedtime song, he turned my face to face him when I sang the word "baby" in the song and made me say it again.


Unknown said...

Hahaha, we have a similar conversation over here on a regular basis.
Kids: "Mom, when are you going to grow another baby?"
Me: "I'm not. Someday you'll grow up and have your own babies. Then I can be a grandma!"

The only sticking point was when Drew asked, "How do you stop that from happening, exactly?" Er.....