Thursday, November 01, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Yesterday we finally got around to going to the pumpkin patch and picking out our pumpkins. Better late than never! In our defense, we had plans to go to Tanaka Farms, a really cool local organic farm and take the pumpkin tractor ride, pick veggies, visit the petting zoo, and pick our own pumpkins, but that got cancelled due to the fires. So yesterday we visited Pumpkin City at the mall instead, went to the petting zoo there, rode a terribly overpriced "car" ride, and picked out our pumpkins. I did get a few cute pictures of the boys.

We ended up using templates that we printed off the internet to make Blues Clues, Sponge Bob, and alien faces on our pumpkins. With the alien one, we used a kit that came with these little lite brite type pegs that you pound into the pumpkin and the "candle" that you put in it blinks. It's kind of cool. It looks just like those lite brites we had as kids, except with a pumpkin.

We went trick or treating with Will's friend from school and another little girl. They all had a great time running from house to house and collected about 10 pounds of candy. We will probably end up sending some of it with Brian to work because that is just WAY too much candy!