Friday, June 09, 2006

Our June Camping Trip

Last weekend we kicked off the start of the summer season by taking a weekend camping trip up to the mountains in Idylewild. The older two boys had a fabulous time hiking, roasting marshmellows and just running around in the dirt at our campsite. There was a little creek at the bottom of a hill right off our site and the big boys spent most of their days there. We also took the scooters and went for rides around the campground. The big hit of the trip was of course, the marshmellows at night. Everyone went to bed exhausted and happy. Sam had a little bit of a rough time of it, being off his routine, but we think that he'll get into the camping spirit before too long. Our next trip of the summer will be the houseboat on Lake Mohave in early July which the kids always look forward too, and then beach camping in Leo Carrillo. Looks like a fun summer ahead!