Friday, August 18, 2006

Summer fun!

This summer all three kids have been around every day all day, so I've been trying to come up with fun activities for us to do to keep them from sitting in front of the t.v. or playing video games all day. All three of them are in swimming lessons and doing really well. Will is swimming on his own, Ben is getting there, and Sam is going under water and jumping in off the side by himself. The older two have been taking Tae Kwan Do as well, and are enjoying that. It's great for excersize and discipline and Will is close to being able to test for his yellow belt.

We also visited the Discovery Science Center with Wendy, Cory, and Carson, and we went to the La Brea Children's museum where the kids got to climb on a real MTA bus and touch real stuffed taxodermy animals including a bear and a lion!

Then, a couple of weeks ago I took the kids to visit Grandpa Ed in Long Beach where we went to Mother's Beach and the kids splashed around in the water and saw his new apartment.

I also joined the Lake Forest Moms Club so we've been joining them for some of their activities like watermellon picking at Tenaca Farms and playgroups with other kids who are the boys ages. It's been a busy summer, but I think we will all be ready when school starts! Will is already saying that he misses school and his friends and Ben keeps asking if he has preschool today. We have the boys signed up to play AYSO soccer this fall, Sam and I signed up for Music Together, and Will will be in 1st grade making him eligible to join the boyscouts!