Thursday, April 06, 2006

The caffinated buoys!

A friend was just telling me about her recent trip to Japan and mentioned that in Tokyo they have vending machines out on the streets selling all kinds of fruity sodas, beer, and even caffinated gum. That reminded me of what happened in our house when I decided it would be a good idea to forgo the coffee in favor of the gum. I had gone to Target with Wendy and we noticed it up by the cash register. Me, being the highly caffinated mommy that I am, thought this was a GREAT invention and threw some in the basket. When I got home, I put it on top of the microwave, not really thinking too much about it. Later that afternoon, I noticed that the boys were totally bouncing off the walls (not unusual in our house, but this was a bit beyond their "normal" activity level). I looked on the ground in the kitchen and realized that they had chewed the entire package, except the one piece I'd had when I bought it. Yikes! Looks like caffinated gum wasn't all it was cracked up to be;).