Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Ben has a loose tooth!

Yesterday, Ben got an apple out of the refridgerator, bit into it, and told me that I must not be brushing his teeth very well because one of them was hurting. I asked which one and he said it was a bottom tooth. I wondered if maybe it was loose, and sure enough, it was! Now I know why he has been asking that I brush his teeth lately. He was saying that he thought he wasn't doing a very good job by himself. Turns out that tooth was just bothering him because it was loose. I'm going to have another little toothless grin pretty soon!


Barbra said...

where is he in that picture? is that your garage? can't believe "baby Ben" is older than my big girl Julianna!

Barbra said...

where is he in that picture? is that your garage? can't believe "baby Ben" is older than my big girl Julianna!

Kari said...

I only wish that were my garage! No, that is my uncle's 2000 square foot garage, that is bigger than our condo!