Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sammy updates!

Sam is turning into a little boy right before our eyes. He's losing the last of his yummy babyness but it's being replaced with the cutest big boy mannerisms. He still isn't talking all that much, although he's gaining more and more words. Still not stringing the words together too much. One thing he does that is really adorable is when he poops and you ask him if he pooped, he nods his head and runs into his bedroom and stands by his changing table, waiting for me to come in and change him. He still has that little toddler shakey butt run, you know, where they don't really bend their knees, so they kind of waddle side to side really fast. I love that run. We'll be so sad to see it go.

He is really starting to respond to questions or requests that we give him. He will bring us a book if asked and can point to things that we ask him about on the pages. So even though he might not be saying much, I can tell there's a lot going on in that little noggin of his! Hopefully age 2 will bring some more speech his way!