Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Slices of Life With Kids

Kids do not seem to support Darwin's theory about survival of the fittest. If I had a nickel for every time I have saved my kids lives over the past 6 and a half years, I would be rich. They put small, shiney objects into thier mouths (Have you ever seen what a penny looks like in the x- ray of a 4 year old's abdomen? I have.) , they attempt to eat "treasures" out of the cat's litter box when you are not looking, and they dart out in front of moving vehicles if given half a chance. Last week, as we were getting ready to go to the park, the kids and I were in the carport and Will was bouncing a ball. I heard a car start up, my mommy radar kicked into gear and I said, "Will, please put the ball in the car and get in and buckle up. If that ball goes out into the street and you run after it, a car might hit you." Of course being 6 years old and *much* smarter than me, he decided to ignore me. Not even a second later, the ball goes into the middle of the parkway and he takes off running after it. I grab him by the hood of his sweatshirt, dropping and breaking my favorite water bottle in the process. I suppose my firstborn is worth more than a water bottle, even if it was my favorite one, and even if he doesn't listen to me.

Ben is very busy planning his 5th birthday party. According to his preschool teacher, who has been priveledged enough to receive an invite from Ben, it is sounding like the event of the year. He says he is having this party at Pump it Up, one of those inflatable fun house places where kids can jump to thier hearts content on these huge inflatable bouncy houses and slide down slides that are at least 2 stories high. So I guess this means Brian and I better make good on this party since he has already invited about 15 4 and 5 year olds. While he is at it, he is also planning his 6th, 7th, and 8th birthday parties, right down to the theme and contents of the goody bags. Oh boy. He asked if we could make his birthday cake today and when I told him that it was actually mommy's birthday tomorrow, so we should probably make my cake instead since he has another month until his party, he asked me how old I was going to be. When I told him that I was going to be 30, he said, "Wow, mommy. You are going to be OLD".

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Our December Activities

We've been really busy with the boys activities this season. Will made Christmas cards to send to the troops overseas with his Boy Scout pack earlier this month. I don't know what he enjoyed more- making the cards or fishing in the backyard of the person's house where we made the cards.
We also attended the Holiday Tea at Ben's preschool, where tea is not actually served, lol. Plenty of cookies, brownies, and cakes though! He was so excited to give his teachers thier gifts:).

Last weekend we went to Heritage Hill, this little historical area right up the street from here, with the boy scouts. They decorate for Christmas and give candlelight tours. We walked through 100 year old houses, an old one room school house, and a chapel. There was storytelling in the school house and singing in the chapel. I'd like to make it a tradition and go every year. At the end of it we got hot cocoa and cookies and saw santa. Will is the only one who isn't afraid of Santa, so he's the only one in the picture. Ben keeps trying to pscych himself up for the big event, but so far he is 0 for 2 on the Santa thing, since he would not sit on his lap at daddy's work party either. We will see how he does at the Christmas party tonight.

Brian just got his MCSE (Microsoft Certified Engineer) yesterday. He attended a bootcamp all week long from 7am-10pm so I was on my own with the boys for most of the week. He was able to get away long enough to accompany us to the Wonderware family holiday party, which the kids were really happy about. Santa was there, I helped the boys with craft projects and we all ate pizza and goodies.

I have been doing lots of baking this week. Peanut butter blossoms, Magical mint kiss cookies, fudge, peppermint bark, and oreo truffles, and then we will be doing our lemon sugar cookies cut out into Christmas shapes next week. These are the cookies I grew up making with my mom and we have continued the tradition of leaving them out for Santa on Christmas Eve, of course. We also built a gingerbread train with the boys yesterday.

Later on today is our annual family Christmas party with Brian's side of the family. The kids are really looking forward to that! Santa (or daddy, as he is known around here ;) ) will be at this party too. I am curious as to whether the kids will know who he is. The kids will also be doing various craft projects and just having lots of fun running around playing together.

The boys are so excited about Christmas. They have a chain that counts down the days until Christmas so they tell me every day how many days are left. My mom and Kevin are coming for Christmas so that should be fun. I think we will go look at lights on Christmas Eve. We did that last year and then went out and had Chinese food and it was a lot of fun. There is a house somewhere around here that goes all out with the decorating. They even have a Santa coming out of their chimney when you press a button.

Merry Christmas everyone!